Monday, November 01, 2010

Squintn' Tarintino

An App that I love the concept of but that I rarely use in reality is Mocha VNC. Remotely performing operations on my desktop from my iphone has always seemed technologically advanced. The luster that dims quickly is due to two main points, One being the fact that I don't enjoy using a mouse on my phone, Two translating a desktop into a iphone screen makes me feel like i'm reading a newspaper through a pair of binoculars. My solution is to simply translate that desktop into a system that mirrors the appearance of apples ios. It would also be nice if the apps opened and operated on the phone like actual apps. For example opening itunes would open on the phone to look like the ipod app, or mail would open to look like the iphone mail app. obviously not all programs have an ios equivalent but many do.

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